Khudh Beyadi Foundation

for Charity and Development

f International Sign Language Day

#KBFD Charitable Development Foundation, in partnership with the #DeafAndDumbCareAndRehabilitationAssociation implemented a training program entitled: "Life Skills"


Targeting (45) individuals with hearing impairments, the program was presented by Ms. Kafa Al-Wotairi, a sign language trainer. The program covered the following topics: ▪ Personal skills. ▪ Social skills. ▪ Problem-solving skills. ▪ Communication and interpersonal skills.

The participants expressed their immense happiness with the program, as such programs represent a pressing need for them, as they enhance their ability to deal effectively with the various aspects of life.

#InternationalSignLanguageDay #TogetherToSpreadSignLanguage #ProtectionProgram #KBFDCharitableDevelopmentFoundation #KBFD
