Khudh Beyadi Foundation

for Charity and Development

Sponsorship for the handicapped Foundation

Take my hand development charity


Objectives of the project

General objective

Improve the social status of disabled people of Yemen.

Target objective

Assist the disabled in mitigating the social and financial troubles

Develop a sense of the disabled in the spirit of Islamic solidarity, who urged us by our religion

Rehabilitation of the disabled socially and educationally to do their part to develop their abilities and activating their role in society.

Meet the needs of disabled necessary

Project Description

Project to support disabled bail estimated monthly amount of the guarantee amount for each disabled (100 $) Uma hundred dollars per month equivalent in other currencies to secure the necessary requirements.

Conditions for entitlement to bail

Developed a management company to deserve some considerations of bail granted to the disabled, including:

Interrupted and if the breach of bail in one of these conditions shall be notified immediately and stop the bail with the sponsor to give reasons.

Mechanism for the distribution of sponsorship

There are two categories of guarantees

(Category one): To ensure the mentally disabled and who need to pay the necessary urgent needs (special feeding - diapers - ongoing treatments - ... etc.), the disposal of the amounts is complete without savings or deducted from the institution because of the many financial needs and necessary.

(Category II): the disabled to block light: - Given half the sponsorship of the handicapped and save the other half to support his family in the establishment of some small projects.

The proposed budget for the project

StatementNumberCostTotal monthlyTotal annual
Cases Of Motor Disability50100$5000$60,000$
Cases Of Cerebral Palsy50100$5000$60,000$
Dual Disabilities30100$300$36,000$
